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Lindale ISD Education Foundation Awards more than $35,000 in Classroom Grants in 2018


The Lindale ISD Education Foundation awarded $35,857.77 to 10 Lindale ISD teachers at all 6 campuses. The money will be used to purchase new and innovative tools for classrooms. Funds provided by the Foundation will directly benefit students in the Lindale Independent School District and will make a positive difference for them.



"What a privilege it is to serve on a Foundation that supports those individuals making the most impact on our children's future- Our teachers," said Lindale ISD Education Foundation Board President, Vickie Frazier. "Their dedication to our kids and school district is what makes LISD one of the best. The Education Foundation and our community of donors stand proud behind our district, teachers and students knowing that we are not bound by the status quo of state mandates. By coming together, we can go above and beyond to re-think the way we educate, in order to ignite spark in all LISD students to become the best of who they are."


The Lindale ISD Education Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) organization that provides funds for classroom projects and programs not funded or under-funded by the district’s operating budget. The foundation is supported through the donations from individuals, businesses and corporations.   



The Education Foundation began awarding grants in November 2009. Since the first grant cycle, the Foundation has awarded $289,535.66 to LISD classrooms for more than 75 projects.



Grant applications are submitted to the foundation by LISD teachers and aides for projects or programs that go above the day-to-day curriculum and offer students an enriched and unique learning experience.  Projects selected for funding are rated on a number of criteria including the innovation of the project.



“We are so thankful for our donors and the Lindale community who make all of this possible,” said Courtney Sanguinetti, Executive Director of the LISD Education Foundation. “These students deserve a chance to excel beyond the classroom and the projects funded by the Education Foundation help to do just that.”


Spring 2018 projects receiving funds include:



Education Foundation grant for $2,838.91 to fund From Motion to Light: Physics in 8th Grade Science!

Eighth grade physics concepts are some that students have a very difficult time understanding. From Newton’s Laws of Motion to theories on how light is emitted and absorbed by various chemicals, students have had little to no hands on experience with these concepts. By utilizing the equipment listed in a number of different lessons, we seek to change that. Through the use of force plates and force probes, students will see how forces interact to cause changes in movement. By using element tubes and spectroscopes, students can see how scientists can identify what elements make up a star.



Education Foundation grant for $1,200 to fund Skills for Life Eagles General Store!

A national survey finds that 69% of special needs adults are striving to work according to a Disability Scoop article published in 2015. Most people with disabilities are capable of contributing to their communities, and according to this study 69% are working or actively seeking employment! One of the key indicators TEA rates high schools with is post-secondary readiness. LISD Special Programs already has a uniquely solid foundation laid for these students. The proposed project Skills for Life Eagles General Store would allow our students to flourish and be all the more prepared for employment and life after high school.


Education Foundation grant for $3,795 to fund Success Starts with Sensory!

Sensory Processing Disorders affect the ability of students to physically and mentally process the world around them. They often are overstimulated by sensory input that does not bother others or seek extra sensory input to stay calm. Our current sensory room at the elementary campus needs equipment to best serve students who require a way to learn to appropriately modulate sensory input. With your help, using the tools listed below, students will be supported at school and ultimately learn what their sensory needs are and how to reduce sensory overload & sensory seeking in order to be calm & focused for learning.


Education Foundation grant for $4,304 to fund Learning Science through Inquiry!

Hundreds of thousands of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) jobs go unfilled every year in the United States due to a lack of qualified people. Our physics courses provide skills and training in all four STEM areas enticing and equipping Lindale students for future STEM careers. An integral aspect of these courses are the inquiry based lab experiences that train students in seven science practices as they design plans for experiments, make predictions, collect and analyze data, apply mathematical routines, develop explanations and communicate about their work. This lab equipment is necessary to advance this training.


Education Foundation grant for $4,501 to fund Pitch Perfect Project: Lindale Band!


Education Foundation grant for $1,001 to fund Kidblog!  

Kidblog provides teachers with tools to safely publish student writing. Teachers can monitor all activity within a community of authors. Posts can even be public, but nothing goes live until a teacher approves it. This resource, Kidblog, empowers students to write with a meaningful purpose for a real audience. Students can be able to connect with other classes down the hallway, across the district, or around the world. Kidblog enables schools to document student learning over time. With no manual curation required, students' portfolios are built automatically across classes, demonstrating growth year-over-year.


Education Foundation grant for $2,277.17 to fund Growing Our Future!

Growing Our Future is a project-based learning experience in which students will immerse themselves in and witness the stages of a plant’s development from seed to pollination. Within the controlled environment of a greenhouse, students will initiate the growing process and learn about each stage of development as part of the current 4th grade science curriculum. Synergizing as a scientific team, students will be able to collect, record, and track data vital for plants to survive and thrive in the environment. Growing Our Future supports the growth of our students as scientists and citizens, building scientific skills and character development.


Education Foundation grant for $5,821 to fund I Get to Sit Where?!

Our students come to school with a wide range of abilities and needs, and tend to struggle with sitting during class time. The purpose of I Get to Sit Where? is to allow students the freedom of alternate seating choices, allowing them to move and wiggle while completing their work. With video games and kids spending less time outside than in years past; many lack the core strength, balance and motor skills to actually be able to sit properly in class.


Education Foundation grant for $4,368.59 to fund Learning is a Ball!

The Q-ball will give every child a voice. With the Q-ball, a throwable wireless microphone, students will not only want to participate, but they will actually want to learn more when they can hear what the teacher and their peers are saying. The Q-ball is a great teaching tool that will help to manage classroom discussions while engaging all students in hands on lessons. The Q-ball will enhance interaction between the teacher and her students and also between peers.


Education Foundation grant for $5,751 to fund A Whole New World through Virtual Reality!

A whole new world… A new fantastic point of view, no one to tell us no or where to go or say we’re only dreaming.” That may sound like lyrics from a famous soundtrack but actually is ‘reality’ when it comes to exploring the world with unbelievable sights and an indescribable feeling of soaring, tumbling and freewheeling through an endless diamond sky with a Virtual Reality System. Drive a car like the English or experience the deepest parts of the ocean with every kind of fish swimming around you or go back in time and learn how to joust with your opponent, all within the borders of your classroom. With virtual reality, students can witness wonder by wonder on this magic carpet ride in this 'whole new world with you’!

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