Lindale ISD Education Foundation
It's Heart Work...

Lindale ISD Education Foundation Awards more than $22,000 in Classroom Grants in 2021
The Lindale ISD Education Foundation has awarded $22,059.18 to Lindale ISD teachers at 4 of our 6 campuses. The money will be used to purchase new and innovative tools for classrooms. Funds provided by the Foundation will directly benefit students in the Lindale Independent School District and will make a positive difference for them.
“The Lindale ISD is an outstanding school district with amazing, hard-working teachers,” said Gay Pyland, President of the Lindale ISD Education Foundation. “The Education Foundation’s goal is to support these teachers by funding their creative and innovative needs in the classroom. Together, with our individual donors, businesses and community, we support not only the teachers, but we also give our students an added advantage to their education.”
The teachers are notified that they are awarded their grants and receiving funds by a surprise Grant Patrol through school hallways. The Lindale High School band, cheerleaders, mascot, donors, administrators and volunteers loudly parade through the campuses, giving away money for several innovative projects. The Foundation was excited to continue the tradition, after the pandemic changed the way Grant Patrol operated in 2020, due to the lockdown. 2020’s Grant Patrol was the first of its kind in Lindale ISD history. Community donors, businesses, administrators and board members lined up their cars and drove by each teacher’s house. Cars were decorated, balloons were flying, horns were honking and people were cheering as everyone paraded by.
“We were very excited to be back to some kind of normalcy this year and to be able to go to all of the schools and to see not only the awarding teachers’ reactions, but also the students,” said Courtney Sanguinetti, Executive Director of the Lindale ISD Education Foundation. “The kids get so excited when they see the big checks and how much money they are all receiving. Grant Patrol is definitely one of the best days of the year for all involved.”
The Lindale ISD Education Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) organization that provides funds for classroom projects and programs not funded or under-funded by the district’s operating budget. The foundation is supported through the donations from individuals, businesses and corporations.
The Education Foundation began awarding grants in November 2009. Since the first grant cycle, the Foundation has awarded $372,531.83 to LISD classrooms for more than 90 projects.
Grant applications are submitted to the foundation by LISD teachers and aides for projects or programs that go above the day-to-day curriculum and offer students an enriched and unique learning experience. Projects selected for funding are rated on a number of criteria including the innovation of the project.
“We are so thankful for our donors and the Lindale community who make all of this possible,” said Sanguinetti. “These students deserve a chance to excel beyond the classroom and the projects funded by the Education Foundation help to do just that. Our teachers’ dedication to our kids and school district is what makes LISD one of the best.”
Spring 2021 projects receiving funds include:
Education Foundation grant for $1,819.95 to fund Skills on Par!
Skills on Par is a project that by providing necessary equipment, will positively impact students from many grade levels and walks of life. The game of golf can be extremely beneficial. Working hard at certain skills and precision brings out a confidence within a person that he or she may not have had before. “Skills on Par” will supply golf mats and nets to be used as a learning tool for student athletes, PE students, Life Skills adaptive PE class and campers in the Lindale community.
Education Foundation grant for $3,200 to fund Eye in the Sky!
Eye in the Sky is a drone that will help coaches view plays and practice film from a different angle. The new drone concepts now include a zoom feature, one that previous drones did not include. With longer battery flight times, we will also be able to film more which will lead to better coaching of our student-athletes. The drone will also offer unique images and video to other school organizations, campuses and departments.
Education Foundation grant for $8,069 to fund Be a Reading Maching!
Be a Reading Machine is a vending machine with books to encourage students to be respectful and responspible, while investing in their love for reading and becoming lifelong learners. Students will be able to earn tokens for good behavior, grades, perfect attendance, meeting their goals, etc. They will then be able to cash in their tokens for a book of their choice out of the vending machine. What a fun way to show students how important literacy is in becoming successful leaders.
Education Foundation grant for $718.94 to fund Life Skills: Ready, Set, Listen, Learn, Collaborate!
Life Skills: Ready, Set, Listen, Learn, Collaborate will teach concepts of reading and social skills by using fun stories and incorporating manipulatives and puppets to draw Life Skills’ students’ attention. The students in the Ready, Set, Teach program at Lindale High School will help create storytelling kits to use with Life Skills students. The goal is to have high school students come to E.J. Moss and read books while using the manipulatives that represent main characters and events in the story. Some students have disabilities that prevent them from learning in neurotypical ways. This project will help create fun activities that lead to learning.
Education Foundation grant for $1,011.45 to fund Remember the Alamo: Texas History Trunk!
Remember the Alamo: Texas History Trunk will give students a hands-on experience into the lives of the Alamo defenders, bridging the gap between the historian’s point of view and the student’s perception. Peer into a fourth grade Texas history classroom and you will see more than students learning state symbols or that Texas was once its own country. Students are reliving history, connecting with those who carved the great state of Texas, by calling it home. By connecting with their stories, students are challenged to think about the events of history and apply these critical thinking skills to other academic areas.
Education Foundation grant for $7,239.84 to fund Let’s Get Physical… With Sensors!
Let’s Get Physical With Sensors seeks to give students hands on access to Vernier Go Direct Sensors to utilize during physics labs. This will allow students to gather data to truly help them understand and apply knowledge of concepts learned in physics such as speed, velocity, sound, voltage and more. In today’s digital age, it is more important than ever to equip students with tools that help them move beyond paper, pencil and textbooks and into real world applications of science and technology.