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Grants For Great Ideas

The Grants for Great Ideas Program is designed to encourage, facilitate, recognize and reward innovative and creative instructional approaches for the accomplishment of program objectives.

PERSONS ELIGIBLE TO APPLY FOR GRANTS:  Individuals or teams of individuals employed by the Lindale ISD who are involved in the instruction of students or related support services benefiting students.  Individual applicants must be a certified teacher.  Team applicants must include at least one certified teacher. 


Grants for will be awarded to individuals, campus teams, departments or grade-level initiated programs or projects. The number of awards will depend on funds available from the Lindale ISD Education Foundation. Our typical award year includes a total grant amount of $35k. There is no individual or team award limit for funds. We have a total sum to give and we encourage you to apply for any innovative ideas that fall within our total funding range for the school year.

Grant Workshops:

Private grant workshops will be available upon request.


  • The degree to which the proposal represents a creative or innovative approach to the accomplishment of objectives.  (It should address a new project as opposed to one accomplished or under way.)

  • The degree to which the proposal is clear and logical, including:

  • Purpose and objectives are specific and feasible;

  • Details of instructional activities/procedures are fully outlined;

  • Evaluation is aligned to the stated objectives and is measurable; (sound evaluation procedures are incorporated in the proposal)

  • Summary is clearly stated in 100 words or less;

  • Need and rationale for the project is identifiable and relates to curriculum objectives.

  • The degree to which student academic performance is emphasized and the project/program improves student learning.

  • The degree to which the proposal addresses priority campus or district goals.

  • The degree to which the budget supports the project.



  • Projects should directly involve students as fully as possible.  For example, a film developed for classroom use should ideally be written and produced by students.

  • Grants may be used to compensate experts or resource speakers who work with students, but should not be used to pay teachers, staff or substitutes.

  • Funds may be used to purchase equipment but not when these are ends in themselves. Equipment should be only one component of a well-planned program/project integrated with other curriculum materials and activities.

  • Generally, transportation costs and consumables (such as but not limited to food, t-shirts, batteries, etc.) are NOT funded.

  • Proposals that incorporate matching funds or community resources should be considered favorably.  (Students or PTAs might raise matching funds for example. Community organizations could donate needed equipment, services or free admissions to events.  Outside contributions generally indicate a commitment to the project and they enhance the effectiveness of the grant award.)

  • Avoid using acronyms and education jargon.

Grants by the Year

Since the first grant cycle, the foundation has awarded $460,551.02 to LISD classrooms for over 100 projects.

Spring 2024



Grant Application Forms

Memberships & Honors 

The Lindale ISD Education Foundation is a proud member of the Texas Education Foundation Network. The Foundation website is a proud recipient of a 2015 Gold TSPRA STAR Award. The Foundation Annual Report is a proud recipient of a 2023 Bronze TSPRA STAR Award.


© 2024 by Lindale ISD Education Foundation

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